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Education and Research

אחראי מחלקה
מנהל/ת מחלקה: 
Dr. Mizied Falah The director of the research institute and head of the research authority
יצירת קשר
טלפן מזכירות מחלקה: 

The Holy Family Hospital Research Institute

Both basic and clinical medical research is an integral part of the research work in the hospitals. Research is designed to answer medical issues that develop during daily clinical care and aims to test new ideas of the medical team.

The Holy Family Hospital is an important teaching site and is highly regarded by medical students and the management of the Faculty of Medicine. The hospital advocates for the promotion of medical research and sees the assimilation of medical research in the hospital as an important reason for the advancement of medicine in the periphery.

The research institute was established with the support of the Faculty of Medicine of Bar Ilan and the Ministry of Development of the Negev and the Galilee in order to encourage research in hospitals in Nazareth, which are affiliated with the faculty.

The vision of the research institute

With the advancement of technology and the innovation revolution, the research institute intends to be at the forefront of research and lead groundbreaking research in medicine and science. The research work will focus on innovative research projects in the fields of life sciences and medicine for the benefit and well-being of man. The first academic research institute in Nazareth and the region will be at the forefront by encouraging achievements and successes, providing fertile ground for the continuation of the students' academic path, and providing them with the place, atmosphere, and tools to promote their ideas.

Main goals of the Institute.

The research institute was established with a vision to produce a model of a physician - researcher that will contribute to the development and raising of the level of medicine and treatment in hospitals. The focus for the advancement of basic, translational and clinical laboratory medical research is to carry out consistent high quality research.


  • Creating opportunities for students and doctors to carry out their research work in the following frameworks: theses, basic sciences, research for a qualified degree (M.Sc.), research for a doctorate degree (Ph.D.) in medical sciences.
  • To develop a new era of researchers among doctors and share information and appreciate their achievements with national and international colleagues.
  • To promote joint and interdisciplinary research, and develop collegiality and encourage creativity among doctors and researchers.
  • Creating opportunities for doctors and researchers looking for invention, creativity and self-esteem in science and the academic and medical society.

The Institute's research activity

  • Medical students are invited to perform theses within the framework of the research institute
  • The institute is approved and recognized for carrying out research work for the internship period and basic sciences for six months.
  • The institute is approved by the Faculty of Medicine, University of Bar-Ilan,  to accept graduate students.
  • The research institute invites students, researchers and doctors to collaborate in planning and carrying out research projects

The institute's social activity

The research institute plays a very important part in the society. It opens its doors to students of schools and scientific education programs for visits, tutorials and it enables them to experience of the university's research atmosphere. This exposure raises our child's awareness of the importance of science and research in our lives and our future. The research institute would be happy to cooperate with the schools for matriculation work to complete advanced units in the fields of science.


Holy Family Hospital's research institute is funded by competitive research grants received from local research funds (the Ministry of Health and Science) and international research funds. The doctors at the hospital and the researchers at the institute manage to obtain funding and raise resources for the benefit of research also from pharmaceutical companies and start-up companies that purchase laboratory services. A large part of the laboratory equipment was purchased thanks to the generous support of Bar Ilan University. The hospital administration spares no effort to promote research, and practically funds the current budget of a research institute.

The management of the institute

Dr. Mizied Falah
The director of the research institute and head of the research authority

Responsible for the professional management of the research institute following the management policy of the Holy Family Hospital and in cooperation with the Faculty of Medicine of Bar-Ilan Azrieli University in Safed. Responsible for the operation of the equipment at the institute, the control of its proper maintenance, and its efficient use for research to enable it to continue and lead groundbreaking research. Dr. Falah is responsible for ongoing supervision of the staff's competence, and evaluating their performance and productivity in research grants and publications. He teaches and trains students in his field of research.

Dr. Mizied Falah, holds a Ph.D. in biochemistry and molecular biology from McMaster University in Canada and has a bachelor's degree (in biology) and a master's degree (in biochemistry-medical sciences) from the Hebrew University, Jerusalem. He conducted many studies over the years in molecular biology, proteins, cell cultures, engineering tissues, and preparation of drugs for preclinical and clinical trials. Dr. Falah has held several positions - he was employed as a senior researcher in several biotechnology companies involved in the development of molecular and cellular drugs, published many articles, participated in many conferences, worked with pharmaceutical consultants, and gave lectures at many conferences in Israel, Europe, and the United States.

Mr. Yosef Eid
Director of clinical laboratories

Mr. Eid began his career studying the Medical laboratory sciences at the Hadassah Academic College in Jerusalem. He completed his bachelor's degree (B.Sc.) in biology at the Faculty of Natural Sciences, and his master's degree (M.Sc.) in microbiology at the Faculty of Medicine, both at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

Mr. Eid has decades of vast laboratory experience in hematology, biochemistry, endocrinology, and fertility at the Hadassah laboratories of the Faculty of Medicine in Jerusalem.  Mr. Eid underwent many professional training courses in quality control, laboratory management, and advanced courses in microbiology, hematology, parasitology, and blood banking at the Academic Center for Continuing Studies at the Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University. He currently manages the medical laboratory at the Holy Family Hospital and at the same time performs laboratory studies at the research institute.

Dr. Etidal Murad
Deputy director of clinical laboratories and a researcher at the research institute

Dr. Murad graduated with a bachelor's degree in medical laboratory sciences at Hadassah College, a master's degree with honors in molecular biochemistry at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the PhD degree in genomics and molecular biology at the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine in Safed.

Dr. Murad has extensive experience of 18 years in clinical laboratories with senior status recognition in the field of hematology and over 15 years in basic research and clinical research. She managed research laboratories for several years and was a partner in the development of pharmaceutical studies.

Dr. Murad continues to develop a research career in the academic framework supported by the hospital's research institute.

Diala Najjar
Research Coordinator

Mrs. Najar graduated with a Bachelor's degree (B.Sc.) in Biology from the Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel Aviv University. She is currently a master's student at Oranim College in the M.Teach program. In addition, she completed a CRA clinical trial monitoring and coordination course at the Center for Applied Knowledge - Bioforum - including a GCP certificate. She gained extensive work experience as a research coordinator and as a laboratory technician in the tissue bank of the pathology institute at the Sourasky-Ichilov Tel Aviv Medical Center. Mrs. Najjar is involved in and performs laboratory and clinical research.

Hanan Taha, MA
Research assistant and research coordinator

Mrs. Taha graduated with a bachelor's degree (B.Sc.) in medical sciences-biology, Haifa University and a master's degree in medical sciences at the Faculty of Medicine-Technion. Her area of ​​responsibility is helping to perform laboratory experiments, and maintaining the readiness and integrity of the laboratory and the equipment for performing experiments. In addition, Mrs. Taha works as a clinical research coordinator in front of the Helsinki Committee, she prepares the typology for all types of studies of the research institute and accompanies the researchers and participants until the end of the study. Mrs. Taha is also responsible for the regular supply of tools and materials from the hospital's warehouses (medical, general, laundry, pharmacy, gases, mail, etc.), arranging maintenance work at the research institute with service providers (including the electrical department, air conditioning, plumbing, economy, security and computing), and handling orders from an external source including signing signature authorizations and issuing an order, following up on the orders, and receiving the items to the laboratory and storing them properly.

The staff members of the Research Institute are committed to appreciating the uniqueness of every member while maintaining mutual respect for their colleagues and avoiding unnecessary conflicts and conflicts of interest. Each of the Institute's staff members is committed to building trust through fairness and research ethics. The staff members must see the path and the goal for which they were recruited and whose goal is to learn, research, develop and reach creativity, innovation and excellence in the research fields they are engaged in. We believe that integrity and skill are the essential basis that can yield success, expressed in the publication of the research in a recognized professional press, and in raising resources for further research. The team is asked to direct its thoughts to translational medical research,  laboratory research whose scientific meaning can be translated into clinical meaning so that the research can ultimately yield a therapeutic or diagnostic product to help patients.

מחשבון בריאטריה