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Internal medicine department

אחראי מחלקה
מנהל/ת מחלקה: 
Dr. Omar Abu Elheja
אח/ות אחראי/ת: 
Rami Odeh
יצירת קשר
טלפן מזכירות מחלקה: 

The internal department treats patients with a wide variety of diseases in internal medicine such as infectious diseases, heart, digestive tract, respiratory tract, diabetes complications, blood diseases, and others.

The department provides its patients with all the resources to clarify, diagnose, and treat most existing medical conditions while maintaining the respect, privacy, and comfort of the patient and his family. Recently, the department underwent a refreshing renewal after extensive renovation and expansion works that will provide patients with the best hospitalization conditions.

The department's staff includes doctors specializing in internal medicine and several other subspecialties, specialists, skilled nursing staff, a supporting team of nurse assistants, physiotherapists, a clinical nutritionist, and a social worker.


The internal medicine department is an academic department, recognized for specialization in internal medicine, recognized for conducting an internship in medicine. The department is affiliated with the Galilee School of Medicine (Bar-Ilan) and Jerusalem's Abu Dis University and provides clinical instruction for medical students. The department also trains nursing students.


The department conducts clinical research and thesis training for interns and medical students.


In the internal ward of the Holy Family Hospital of Nazareth, there are 28 standard beds, when the occupancy varies between 80-100%, the average hospitalization duration is 2.5 days. This is because of the availability of rapid tests and fast diagnosis.


It is possible to perform an investigation on the same day, including CT tests, echocardiography, stress, respiratory functions, and gastro tests, all on the same day and for the same patient. The duration of hospitalization is short.

מחשבון בריאטריה